Dr.-Noha-Hilal-Farran Image
Chief Editor/ Dr. Noha Hilal Farran
Chief Editor | Website

Art historian, curator, visual artist, & editor-in-chief of AlTashkeel magazine. she holds a Ph.D. with distinction in "Art & Science of Arts," in addition to holding an MFA in Fine Arts and an MA in Philosophy of Art. She has numerous published books that provide documentation for Art in the Arab World, among them we mention “Art in MEA, between modernism and post-modernism”, and “Heritage, modernism, and art in Lebanese eyes”, “Heritage & Creativity”, and most recently “Memory & Art”, a book that provides documentation and a recount of the nascent cultural movement, along with the different phases and fronts that accompanied and coincided with the emergence of the art movement in the UAE, published by Sharjah Institute for Heritage. She has more than 150 recorded interviews with artists from different nationalities. She also worked in university education, as a professor & head of art and design department, along with curriculum management and coordination. She has a track record of participation in solo and group exhibitions. She was recognized among the top hundred influential figures of intellect, culture, and history, in an educational and documentary encyclopedia titled "Since Cadmus: We Are Civilization Builders".

“Al Tashkeel” Magazine

he first issue of “Al Tashkeel” Magazine was published back in 1984, four years after the formation of the Emirates Fine Arts Society. The fine arts movement was witnessing growth and gaining traction on all other artistic levels.