The Image – The Current Today, the image minimalizes the whole existence, and reproduces our view of the world. Not...

Dr. Ali Aboud Muhammadawi
Professor of Contemporary Philosophy at the College of Arts - the University of Baghdad, he is the founder and Chairman of the Arab Academic Association for Philosophy. He has 6 books, including: «The Discourse of Cultural Identities: A Comparative Study between Western and Eastern Achievement», «The Remains of the Logos: Contemporary Studies in the deconstruction of Western Centrality», and has 19 joint books: «The Philosophy of History: Controversy of Beginning, Ending, and Lasting Return (Supervision, Editing and Contribution), "post speeches: or in the depletion of philosophical projects (supervision, submission and contribution)".
The current situation suggests something to the effect that the capitalism dominance has further infiltrated so it took over and...